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How to Write Dissertation Proposal?

A dissertation marks the end of your Masters or PhD. Hence, there are a number of topics you have to cover and make sure it contains every detail so the reader can realize that you have indeed burnt the midnight oil for the sake of it. Moreover, it’ll be the longest piece of writing you’ve […]

How To Write An Expository Essay?

At times in life, you’re dealt with such a hand that you’re baffled how to go on. Just in case you’re a student, you’re likely to relate more to this. However, you must sacrifice your time and put in extra effort to work it all out. That’s exactly how we feel about expository essays the […]

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Why using short sentences is important for improved writing skills?

The art of constructing a great piece of writing begins with learning how to write short and simple sentences. Conveying a complete idea in fewer words is a difficult art to achieve but not impossible. Gone are the days when heavy and long writing used to be a thing; it’s now the age of minimalism: […]

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Four tips for adding an attention-grabbing hook in your writing

In a world where everyone seems to be in a rush and where content is changing with every blink of an eye, it has become more and more difficult to capture people’s attention and convince them to stay and spend a minute or two on your blog or essay. Readers are restless! They crave something […]

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Five Tips For writing Like a Journalist!

Writer and journalist have one thing in common: they both know how to effectively tell a story! In fact, if you want to be a successful writer, you might have to become a journalist first. H.P. Lovecraft, Maya Angelou, Ernest Hemingway, George Sand, Charles Dickens, Dorothy Parker, Neil Gaiman, Ian Fleming, and Jack London – […]

Five definite strategies to combat essay writing conundrums?

You’ve pledged to yourself. Today, you’re going to stick to one place and write that essay. You have to go to a midnight party. And you just have an hour to work on that essay. You set your fingers over your keyboard. You’re in position. And… Knock. Knock. Knock. Jack, your roommate, is here. He’s […]

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Five Fun and Productive Ways to Enjoy Your Summers Break

Summer vacations, the thing that every student is desperately longing for! But you know despite all the excitement and freedom, summer vacations have their own baggage. You get tired of bringing on the same series on Netflix, you get bored of lying in bed all day long, and we are pretty sure that the initial […]