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How to Write Dissertation Proposal?

A dissertation marks the end of your Masters or PhD. Hence, there are a number of topics you have to cover and make sure it contains every detail so the reader can realize that you have indeed burnt the midnight oil for the sake of it. Moreover, it’ll be the longest piece of writing you’ve […]

Three Ways of Achieving Peace of Mind

Our mind is the most powerful part of our body. It might seem small, but it carries out all the functions and provides instructions to the whole system of our body. It is impossible to live a happy and peaceful life with a chaotic mindset. It all starts and happens in your brain. You will […]

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The Adverse Effects of Bullying on a Student’s Mental Health

One of the most common problems students face in High School and college is bullying. Once a student is intimidated by a bully, their downfall starts as the bully takes strength from the victim’s fright. It becomes challenging for the student to report the bully to the teacher or the parents because of the threats […]