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How to Write an Analytical Essay?

It’s a common task in college or university to write an analysis or analytical essay. For example, an analysis of a research article, a documentary, a brand, a novel, or an occasion might be required of you at some point. A variety of analysis essay topics may also be available to you. In other words, […]

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Why Should You Reading book a Priority?

“Only the weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry” – Tessa Gray Books are uniquely portable magic. Even if you’re sitting in the middle of a partying crowd with a book, in no time, you’d be transported into a world completely differently than your own. The depth that’s packed within books is no […]

Perks of Having Peace of Mind?

When we talk about peace of mind, a picture of yogis, hermits or monks appears in our minds. It seems like in order to achieve peace of mind, it is essential to leave your house and sit alone someplace far and away from everyone. But the truth is totally inverse. You don’t need to be […]

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Writing guide 101: Introduction to Motif and how to use it in writing?

If you’re a writer, you should be aware of this important literary device: Motif! “What is a motif and why is it important?” you ask. Interesting question. Motifs are one of the important literary devices, yet their definition is quite difficult to pin down. But we will try to explain it to you anyway! So […]