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How to Write A First Class Law Research Proposal

A set of rules created by the government or social structures is referred to as the law. The purpose of the law is to keep everyone safe, encourage people to act righteously, resolve disputes, and punish those who violate it.

The study of law is divided into several branches: family law, criminal law, medical law, commercial law, and many others. When you search for law degrees, you’ll find LLB (Bachelor of Laws), BA, and BSc law programmes. During the degree program, at some point, students have to write research proposals for their final year research. Unfortunately, many students find this step quite tough – sometimes even tougher than the research itself.

A research proposal is a document providing information on a proposed research programme. It is a brief and coherent summary of the research you intend to conduct. The proposal outlines the main questions and issues you aim to address. It describes the general field of study in which your research falls, corresponding to present knowledge and any recent debates on the subject. Finally, it also indicates the uniqueness of your proposed research. So, to write a law research proposal, it’s important to know what exactly it is.

What Is Law Research Proposal?

Law research proposal is the most important document of the law discipline you must submit as part of your application. It allows you to demonstrate your aptitude for Masters or PhD research, for instance, by representing your ability to communicate complex ideas concisely, clearly and critically. The proposal also assists you in matching your research interests with a suitable supervisor.

Structure of Law Proposal

For composing a good law research proposal structure, it is crucial to know how to format a manuscript. No matter for what purpose you do the research, it must include:

1.      Title

A working title should demonstrate the keywords linked with your research, be consistent with the further established outline, and give some idea of the project’s original aspects. For instance, if the evaluation will be comparative, the title should reflect this. The same is true for historical or economic analysis.

Similarly, if you test and critique a specific theoretical perspective, the title should show that. Of course, this is just a tentative title; you will have opportunities to revise it during professional guidance.

2.      Introduction

This section should briefly define the research area and identify the significant issue or study gap acting as the basis of your proposal. In a nutshell, the introduction is about what will your research accomplish?

The introduction functions similarly as an abstract or outline of the proposed research. Therefore, it should be a brief but impactful summary demonstrating how thoroughly you have researched the topic. This part of the proposal shouldn’t be more than 100 words. An introduction can also be a couple of sentences outlining the issue you want to investigate or the central question you aim to address.

3.      Context of Research

You should describe the broad context in which you will be conducting the research. Remember to include a concise overview of the general field of study in which your proposed research falls, summarising current knowledge and recent discussions on the subject. This will allow you to apply your expertise on the subject and demonstrate your ability to communicate clearly and succinctly.

4.      Research Questions

The research question should state the main goals to guide your research. Before you begin writing your proposal, you should think about the main questions you want to address. Numerous research proposals are overly broad, so narrowing your research theme is a great way to ensure your project is specific and viable.

You may find it useful to prioritise one or two primary research questions to glean numerous secondary research questions. In addition, the proposal should also discuss your intended method to answer the questions, such as whether it will be empirical, theoretical, doctrinal, and more.

5.      Research Methodology

The proposal must highlight your research methodology, explaining how you plan to collect the required data. Your research tactic can include going to specific libraries or archives, fieldwork, or performing interviews.

Most of the research is done in libraries. If it is also the case for you, it’d be a good idea to discuss your key resources (law reports and journal articles).

Suppose you intend to conduct fieldwork or obtain empirical data. In that case, you should include specifics (for example, conduct interviews, who will you interview? will there be access issues? and how many interviews are you planning to conduct?). Moreover, this section should also describe how you intend to analyse the results of your research.

Usually, students find this process tough, so they consider the law essay writing service a convenient way to complete their research methodology.

6.      Research Significance

The proposal should reflect the uniqueness of your proposed research and must demonstrate why your study is essential.

For instance, you can do that by discussing how your research creates and contributes to the existing knowledge in the field or explaining why it is timely to research your proposed topic.

7.      Bibliography

This section doesn’t count in the word limit. The bibliography covers the cited work and includes the literature used in the research study.

8.      Related Material

If, for instance, you have contacted organisations for assistance in obtaining research materials, you should add its evidence as supporting documents. In addition, if you have previously researched the topic, include that research in the evidence document too.

Few Research Topics – Law Research Proposal Help

Each student must analyse research patterns and support their arguments when writing a legal document. This skill is required for several legal positions, as you may be required to research legal questions, analyse various legal precedents, provide answers, and cite all the used sources.

Bearing in mind, every essential need is crucial to come up with an intriguing law topic. Therefore, we’ve mentioned some compelling topics as law research proposal examples to help you find the best one for you.

  • What role does science play in crime investigation?
  • Classical criminology theories
  • Religious Crimes in Developed Countries
  • The relationship between morality and business law
  • The real reason for domestic violence
  • How important is the constitution in the development of business law?
  • Transgender marriage: the cultural impact and legal status in different countries
  • What are the rights of self-incrimination survivors?
  • Regulations and rules for organ donation
  • Feminist Criminology is a growing field.
  • A comparison of state laws and constitutions
  • How do mental abuse and bullying contribute to suicide?
  • Wildlife and environmental crimes occur in different countries.
  • Terrorism is treated differently as a crime in multiple countries.
  • How do various countries handle false confessions?
  • The parallels and distinctions between juvenile courts and juvenile justice.

These are some law topics to help you choose the interesting one for your paper. However, if you feel the process can be difficult for you, consider taking assistance from us. With law research proposal help, you get complete dissertation writing service and high-quality solutions. Moreover, you can also buy law essays from us.

Why Choosing Us?

Choosing us can ultimately be beneficial for you. Here are some reasons.

  1. We conduct relevant research, taking a comprehensive and detailed approach. Our experts select sources only after thoroughly investigating their credibility and relevance to your subjects and topics.
  2. We strictly follow all the given guidelines. We take the recommendations seriously and ensure you get exactly what you want from us.
  3. Every order finished by our professional writer is then forwarded to our skilled team of proofreaders and editors, who ensure your work is error-free in all aspects, from spelling to grammar.
  4. You can always receive your order on time, with no compromise in work quality. We ensure our writers submit your order well before your due dates or deadlines, offering you plenty of time to review the work.

Furthermore, we also provide medical law essay help to medical students at extremely affordable rates.


1.      What are the steps involved in writing law research proposal?

These are the crucial steps of writing the law research proposal:

  • Title
  • Abstract/Introduction
  • Aims and objectives of the research
  • Background
  • Methodology
  • Schedule and Timeline
  • Ethical Approval
  • Resources
  • Budget

2.      Can law research proposal have bullet proposal?

It is not allowed to use bullets in a research proposal. However, if you use it:

  • Keep bullet-pointed short
  • Every element should be no more than two lines in length
  • Make all bullet points approximately the same length
  • Ensure the format is consistent
  • Use the same font and margin width for each bullet point
  • Use periods at the end of each line if they are complete sentences

3.      What is the word count of law research proposal?

Typically, the proposal should be approximately 2,500 words long. It is vital to know institutions sometimes require different word limits.

4.      Do you provide law research proposal writing service?

As the best writing platform, we at Law Essay Writers also provide leading law research proposal writing services. We offer students a specialised research writing service in the UK through our professional law dissertation writers, who are experienced in delivering in-depth analysis on the legal topic at hand. Moreover, our company provides work with zero plagiarism and never compromises quality. Thus, we provide the ultimate law research proposal help. You can contact us at any hour of the day.

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